Brandel Chamblee on Twitter: It ‘skews left’ and can be a ‘cesspool’

On the Golf Central Pregame Brandel Chamblee said Twitter has a propensity to “skew left” and can “be a cesspool if you’re on it.”

FORT WORTH, Texas — Rarely the week shall pass in which Brandel Chamblee doesn’t get his name into the headlines for an outrageous statement.

This week with the PGA Tour rebooting its season in Texas, where Chamblee played his collegiate golf, was no different.

During a segment on Saturday’s Golf Central Pregame before the second round of the Charles Schwab Challenge, the former University of Texas star was discussing Rory McIlroy when he veered in a different direction, talking about Twitter and its propensity to “skew left.”

Host Rich Lerner stopped Chamblee, who then elaborated:

“We live in an era where the negativism and the narcissism would make the Roman emperor Caligula smile,” Chamblee said. “So you need to arm yourself against that. Especially if you’re on social media because there are fabulous aspects of social media, there absolutely are, but it can also be … it’s been well-documented … it skews left and it can get to be a cesspool if you’re on it.”

Lerner again stopped Chamblee, asking to clarify what this meant, to which the lead studio analyst for the Golf Channel added:

“There’s all kinds of biases on Twitter. But mostly it’s used negatively. OK? It skews negatively. And it’s used in a lot of different directions, but none of them can be beneficial to you if you get on there.”

The audio is low, but here’s a snippet:

Of course, part of Chamblee’s charm is the bombastic approach to golf coverage he’s employed.

In March, he told Golfweek reporter Adam Schupak that golf instruction had been bitch-slapped into reality through the use of YouTube and other means. He later walked back the comments a bit, but maintained his position as one of the most controversial voices in the game.

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