Boston Celtics’ Tacko Fall to read books on Instagram Live

Quarantined like the rest of ud, Boston Celtics big man Tacko Fall plans to read books on Instagram Live to help us pass the time.

For those of us not too keen on watching televised H-O-R-S-E or similar improvised quarantine-inflected NBA content, Boston Celtics fan favorite center Tacko Fall came up with a brilliant idea.

An avid reader and storyteller with a long cultural tradition of sharing tales with family, Fall decided to extend a live reading of a favorite, as-of-yet-unnamed book, which he announced Wednesday on his Instagram.

He even came up with a snappy name for the series, “Tacko’s Tall Tales”.

Speaking in the video he revealed his new storytelling series, Fall said:

“What’s up, guys? It’s Tacko, and while we are home with our families, I thought that it was a good idea to share with you one of my life-long passions, which is storytelling.

“When I was younger, I used to enjoy listening to stories from my mom, from my grandmom, and I’m sure a lot of African kids can relate. We have a lot of African tales. Some great ones, and I just thought it was going to be a good idea to share a few books with you. So, the plan is every week, I’ll be on my [Instagram] Live, reading for you guys.”

“So, I hope you guys will be joining me on Thursday night at 7:30 pm; I’ll be reading a great book for you. See you guys soon on Tacko’s Tall Tales,” closed the 7-foot-5 big man.

I know what I’l be doing Thursday night.

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