Bobby Bowden readmitted to hospital after COVID-19 diagnosis

Bobby Bowden was re-admitted to the hospital on Tuesday as he deals with fatigue after his positive COVID-19 test earlier in the week.

Earlier this week we found out that legendary college football coach Bobby Bowden had tested positive for COVID-19 after he was hospitalized because of a leg infection.

Bowden said earlier this week to the Tallahassee Democrat, “I don’t feel bad, yet.  I guess I’ll loaf around the rest of the week. I just have to keep an eye out (for symptoms).”

It turns out that those symptoms must have started to show as Bowden’s wife Ann told the Democrat that he was readmitted to the hospital as a precautionary measure due to fatigue.

Ann Bowden went on to say:

“I feel sure he’s going to be OK,” Ann said.

“I am very positive. I am not an alarmist. He hasn’t been getting around much at all due to his leg; it has been pretty painful. He sleeps much of the day.”

Mrs. Bowden also went on to say that everyone that has been to the Bowden’s house recently has been tested and Bobby is the only person to have tested positive.

All the best to Bowden in his recovery.