Billy Napier knows what he’s doing. Here are 10 reasons to trust him.

Pat Dooley gives us 10 reasons Gator fans have to have faith in Billy Napier.

Head coach [autotag]Billy Napier[/autotag] has been on the job through signing day, a spring game and the start of his Gator Club Tour. He has kissed babies, shaken hands and re-energized a fan base that has had to be resuscitated often over the last decade.

Of course, he has not yet won a game… or lost one.

And we still aren’t sure exactly what we will see on the field when Utah comes to town in September.

We do know this – not a whole lot is expected from the 2022 team by the national media or Vegas. Every over/under I see is right at seven wins, which would be below the expectations of fans who see the glass half full.

But even Napier has tried to temper expectations at times when speaking to Gator groups because he knows that the hand he has been dealt has too many cards that don’t match.

It’s a process getting this program back to where it needs to be with a fan base that is not the most patient in the world.

But here are 10 reasons Gator fans need to lengthen the leash on this coach and understand it’s not happening overnight.