Bill Walton’s passing brings fond memories from the sports world

Bill Walton. That name will be remembered forever by fans of all kinds. Whether it was from his playing days with the UCLA Bruins, his NBA career, or his days as a broadcaster, the mark Walton left on so many is one-of-a kind. A day after his …

Bill Walton. That name will be remembered forever by fans of all kinds. Whether it was from his playing days with the UCLA Bruins, his NBA career, or his days as a broadcaster, the mark Walton left on so many is one-of-a kind.

A day after his passing, the sports world continued to pay tribute to Walton. SOme of the tributes came from greats such as Dick Vitale, with former NBA stars such as Paul Pierce paying homage to Bill Walton.

And, of course, his long-time partner Dave Pasch had plenty of memories to look back on from their days together.