Bill Callahan says he feels bad for Washington Redskins fans

Bill Callahan offered his condolences for Washington Redskins fans after the putrid performance that they were witness to on Sunday.

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The Washington Redskins interim head coach, Bill Callahan, feels bad for the fans of the team.

He feels bad for the people who tune in, day-in and day-out, following along with every roster move and every report, hoping for an improved product on Sunday. He feels sorry for the men and women, boys and girls, who put on the burgundy and gold every week, counting down the days until Sunday, when they get to watch their favorite team take the field, hoping that the outcome will be different from a week before. He feels bad for all of the people whose confidence borders on delusional at points.

He didn’t mention a fool-proof plan for the future, nor get into details about how things will start looking up if the right moves or made; Callahan just said that he felt bad for those who are subjected to whatever it is that the Redskins do on Sundays.

Sometimes sorry isn’t enough. Until some real action is taken, sorry is just another meaningless word.