Bill Belichick told everyone Cam Newton was ‘moving in the right direction’ just hours before the Patriots cut him

Bill Belichick is a savage.

Bill Belichick is an absolute savage. When he’s ready to part ways with a player, he’ll just do it. In the blink of an eye. No questions asked.

We’ve seen it so many times before with absolute legendary players in the past. But nobody might’ve seen Belichick’s savage side worse than Cam Newton did when it was time to make roster cuts at the end of August.

Just hours before making final roster decisions, Belichick was asked about his thoughts on Cam Newton and where he stood with the roster.

He said Newton was certainly “moving in the right direction.”

Literally, a few hours later, Cam Newton was reportedly cut. He was off the team. He was no longer a member of the New England Patriots.

You cannot make this up, man. This is just wild. It’s a predictably savage move by the NFL’s most savage coach.

This is along the lines of him benching Drew Bledsoe for Tom Brady all of those years back. Of course, that proved to be the right move. But still, it seemed pretty cold back in that moment.

Maybe this proves to be the best move, too. We don’t know. Either way, this is pretty wild.

But it’s also Bill Belichick. And this is what he does.

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