Biggest sports stories of 2019

Whether it was on the field or off of it, these were some of the biggest sports stories of 2019.

Fair Pay to Play Act

Mandatory Credit: Nell Redmond-USA TODAY Sports

The mighty NCAA is changing…sort of.

On September 30, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed State Senate Bill 206 into law, which will allow NCAA athletes the right to make money from signed endorsement deals, their likeness, name, image, the works!

To say it’s a massive step for championing the rights of college athletes doesn’t really do the moment justice—to say it’s going to change the NCAA’s business practices concretely is also a little off. As of now, the bill is set to take effect in 2023, which will allow plenty of time for the NCAA to and lawmakers the opportunity to fight, adjust, re-adjust, and yes, stall. But still, none of the future back-and-forths should take away from the fact that this groundbreaking step actually occurred.