Big 12 amends amount of time for virtual meetings up to four hours per week

The Big 12 Conference has already made a change to the already revised policies. Four hours of virtual meetings are now allowed per week.

The Big 12 Conference has already made a change to the already revised policies.

On Sunday, the Big 12 announced eight new policies geared toward how its schools’ athletic programs can operate during the coronavirus pandemic away from the university. Added to it was two hours a week permitted for virtual group activities.

That has now been moved up four hours per week.

“I was excited about the steps,” said Lincoln Riley on Thursday of the move from no virtual meetings to two hours permitted a week. “We needed to take them. So glad that we got to a point where we were able to do a few of those things. Now, I think some of this will evolve. I do think and still kind of wonder how we settled on the two hours. We’re in a period right now football-wise where we are supposed to have 20 hours a week with our guys. We get that that’s not feasible. We totally understand that. I think with the amount of time that these guys have right now, other than working out and handling their classwork virtually, there’s a lot of time that we could continue to be improving these guys.

“In the virtual meetings, there are some limitations to them but there are also some strong benefits. I hope at some point we can ramp that up a little bit to make up for some lost time. Not just competitively, but from a development standpoint. They all want to get to their peak as players. This will slow down some of it and some of it we obviously can’t control and that’s part of it. But the area that we can control, that are safe and virtual, hopefully we’ll continue to look at that and adapt as we go on.”

The Big 12 Conference