Beverage of the Week: Firestone Walker’s IPAs remain an all-Crunchberries array of goodness

Firestone Walker’s Hopnosis IPA is the perfect blend of hops and citrus for a very drinkable pale ale.

Welcome back to FTW’s Beverage of the Week series. Here, we mostly chronicle and review beers, but happily expand that scope to any beverage that pairs well with sports. Yes, even cookie dough whiskey.

I’ve made no effort to hide my fandom for Firestone Walker’s beers. In the past year I’ve had the chance to feature their tropical IPAs and oaked Oktoberfest and came away impressed with both. In fact, that Oaktoberfest may be my new favorite märzen out there, which is substantial because I freakin’ love märzens.

This week’s taste test presented the opportunity to try a new 2022 release — Hopnosis IPA. Per the company itself, the difference between this and the rest of its hop-forward portfolio is a double dry-hopping with a whole bunch of different stuff in there. Simcoe hops. Talus. Callista. Idaho 7, etc.

The centerpiece are the Mosaic Cryo Hops, which I am wholly unfamiliar with but were included, in all their glory, in a sealed, freeze-dried package along with this sample. No idea what I’m gonna do with a couple ounces of hops but … thanks?

Anyway, those are supposed to make things extra hoppy, which is a concern. I like IPAs, but I don’t need the tastebud-scorching IBUs that was the hallmark of craft breweries a decade ago. I’m good with a bitter beer, but I don’t want something I’m done with after one can.

Well, let’s see how it goes.