Baseball fans slam Astros owner for astonishingly lame apology for cheating scandal

The Astros are so bad at this.

The Houston Astros hid from the media on Wedensday in Spring Training, blocking the clubhouse to all reporters and going as far as to use security to make sure that no player could be asked about the team’s disgraceful cheating scandal. On Thursday, the team finally addressed the issue that will haunt them for years to come – and team owner Jim Crane offered the lamest non-apology you could imagine.

Crane told reporters that he was “sorry” his team was that this happened, and promised that his organization wouldn’t be caught cheating again on his watch – but also claimed that the Astros’ elaborate cheating scheme had zero impact on the outcome of ballgames.

“You know our opinion is, you know, that this didn’t impact the game. We had a good team. We won the World Series, and we’ll leave it at that.”

Strangely, when asked to clarify his comment, Crane later claimed that he didn’t say the scheme didn’t impact the game.

When pressed by ESPN reporter Marly Rivera, Crane admitted that sign stealing “could possibly” give his team an advantage, but also “could possibly not.”

Crane also argued that he feels he deserves none of the blame for the Astros’ scandal.

Baseball fans couldn’t believe Crane’s statements.

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