After a long break between seasons, the Ball family’s Facebook reality series “Ball in the Family” is set to return on Sunday for its sixth season. The fifth season came to a close in February and, after a lengthy break, a new season is set to bring back the drama and excitement around the family.
The series will take a look at how close all three brothers are to reaching the NBA as LaMelo goes through his pre-draft process, LiAngelo works his way into the G League and Lonzo plays through his first season in New Orleans.
The on-again, off-again relationship between Lonzo Ball and Denise Garcia will continue to be a theme of the show as their daughter, Zoey, continues to grow. The future of Big Baller Brand also is at the center of the show as LaMelo signs with Puma and Lonzo hints at starting his own company.
The first episode of the series picks the family up after the end of quarantine as Lonzo heads to the NBA’s bubble in Orlando and LaMelo and LiAngelo head to Detroit to begin training for the upcoming season.
The first episode is set to premiere on Sunday at 6 p.m. Eastern. Take a look at the trailer for the upcoming season.