Baldur’s Gate 3 classes ranked from futile to fabulous

Our Baldur’s Gate 3 class rank list lays out which classes give you the most tools to use in the popular RPG and which ones fall short.

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Making a Baldur’s Gate 3 classes rank list is a pretty sizeable ask, not because Larian’s hit PC game has too many to choose from – although things get a bit out of control if you take Baldur’s Gate 3’s subclasses into account – but because you can feasibly make any class work well. Your skill choice and the environment play a substantial part in how well a class functions. Even a powerful wizard falls short if you stack them with garbage magic, but the right combos and party compositions mean even a not-exactly-optimized Warlock can excel.

Some roles give you more to play with than others, though, and lend themselves to better combinations with your team members. Druids are great at running over people as a bear, for example, but Sorcerers can rain fire, ice, and lightning down on entire armies. There’s a clear winner here.