Baker Mayfield looking forward to continuity on offense

From instability to stability in a short amount of time, Baker Mayfield is excited for continuity this year.

The Cleveland Browns have defined turnover at the NFL level since Baker Mayfield arrived. Mayfield has had multiple head coaches (including an interim) and offensive systems in his three years in the league.

From Hue Jackson to Gregg Williams to Freddie Kitchens to Kevin Stefanski, Mayfield has only known turnover at head coach. Jackson, Todd Hailey, Kitchens, Todd Monken and Alex Van Pelt have all either held play-calling duties and/or the offensive coordinator title for Mayfield since his arrival in 2018.

Needless to say, the cast of players around him on offense has also turned over greatly in those three seasons.

Finally, Mayfield has some stability and is excited about it as he discussed at the youth camp he put on:


Starting with Stefanski and Van Pelt running the offense, the Browns entire coaching staff returns from 2020.

Around him on offense, the Browns should have the same starters as they did one year ago and much of the same backups. Only a few additions seem to have a fighting shot at making the roster including WR Anthony Schwartz and OL James Hudson III, drafted this offseason. OL Greg Senat could also fight his way to a roster spot.

Besides those players, Drew Forbes could return from opting out of last season and join the rest of the offense that knows each other well.

Mayfield noted the common language as important. Stefanski and company will not need to teach the majority of the offense what they mean with certain terms. Instead, in their second year in the system, the players should have that language well learned and be able to process new information even quicker.

Cleveland’s offense really took off as the season progressed and, now, get a full offseason for the first time under Stefanski to perfect things. The sky seems to be the limit for the unit and Mayfield is glad to, finally, have some continuity.