Baby Yoda: The funniest memes from ‘The Mandalorian’

Rounding up the greatest Baby Yoda memes in the galaxy.

New Star Wars series The Mandalorian is midway through its first season on Disney+, and since the show debuted in early November, breakout star Baby Yoda has dominated the internet. You seemingly can’t scroll through Twitter or Instagram without seeing a Baby Yoda meme popping up, and a new wave of Baby Yoda mania follows the release of each episode. We’ve collected the funniest Baby Yoda memes through episode 4 of The Mandalorian. If you haven’t made it that far in the series, some memes could be considered spoilers.

The Mandalorian does not want to Get Low

Baby Yoda drinking

Baby Yoda loves fruit snacks

Baby Yoda > other mascots

Baby Yoda looking up

Who is the father?

Baby Yoda’s pod

Please don’t break the window

Russell Wilson is Baby Yoda

Cate Blanchett meets Baby Yoda

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