Austria fans amazingly followed Albania’s lead by breaking a baguette to taunt France at Euro 2024

A new trend in soccer: breaking carbs to taunt opposing fans.

You know it’s a sin to break spaghetti before cooking it, right? At least that’s true in Italy, I think, or at least according to what I’ve seen on TikTok.

Anyway, this is pertinent because we’re seeing an emerging trend on social media at Euro 2024: fans breaking carbs to taunt opposing die-hards.

It happened earlier this week when Albanian fans ripped some spaghetti in front of their Italian counterparts, and the reaction was hilarious. Then, Autria’s fans did the same with a baguette in front of some French die-hards.

It’s playful, funny, quirky and kind of perfect. We can’t wait to see pretzels being destroyed next or something.

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