As The Athletic’s Shams Charania …

As The Athletic’s Shams Charania reported, the tentative postseason dates include Sept. 15 as the start of the conference finals and Sept. 30 for Game 1 of the NBA Finals. “I haven’t been told anything definitive,” Breen said. “We could possibly be doing games from a remote location, from a studio, or we could possibly be down in Orlando and doing the games there in a booth that socially distanced away from the players. Everything is going to be determined over the next couple of weeks. But I would like to be in the arena to call the games. These are going to be very important games both from the standpoint of the importance of the NBA playoffs and run for a championship, but also for the unprecedented circumstances that are going to happen this year. This is something we’ve never seen and I think it’s important to convey that to the viewer. The best way to do it would be to be there. I would feel differently if I had a 4-year-old, a 6-year-old and an 8-year-old. But I’ve got three adult children (he and his wife are currently living with their two youngest, a son and daughter) who are pretty sick of me right now. In all seriousness I never would have had this much time with them at this time of year and from that standpoint as a dad it’s been wonderful. But I am ready to work.”