Arkansas HS football coach known for never punting takes college job

Kevin Kelley, the Arkansas high school football coach who never punts, accepted a college head coaching job Thursday.

Kevin Kelley did not make many friends during his time at Pulaski Academy, took the program to new heights and parlayed that success into a college coaching gig.

Kelley, who won nine state titles at Pulaski and gained national notoriety for never punting, announced Thursday that he was leaving the high school ranks to become the head coach at FCS program Presbyterian College. In 18 seasons at Pulaski, Kelley went 216-29-1 and was recently inducted into the Arkansas Hall of Fame.

Kelley’s unorthodox and revolutionary style of coaching garnered national attention and segments on 60 Minutes, HBO’s Real Sports and NFL Films. Kelley is now considered a pioneer of using analytics in high school football and will likely look to achieve the same success using a similar approach at Presbyterian, which has not had a winning record since 2014.

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