Arenas explained that he was on his way …

Arenas explained that he was on his way to buy lottery tickets and needed his cash for gas. After some discussion, though, he offered $5 to the man. According to Arenas, the man told him, “u won’t make it on $5 so KEEP the $10 and after u WIN hook me up with $20!” Arenas said he asked the man if he was sure. The man responded, “yes, I know ur gonna win.” But when Arenas arrived at his destination, he found that the store had closed early. So he wasn’t able to buy lottery tickets that day after all. Or so he thought. The next day, he received a text message informing him that he had won $300,000. The owner of the store played Arenas’ numbers for him when the three-time NBA All-Star didn’t make it before closing time.