Apex Legends input lag plagues users on Xbox Series X|S

A recent update makes Respawn Entertainment’s battle royale almost unplayable on newer Xbox consoles.

The latest Apex Legends update is causing input lag issues for players on current-gen Xbox consoles.

On Tuesday, the Awakening Collection Event patch went live for Apex Legends. For whatever reason, Xbox Series X|S users are reporting severe input lag problems, making button presses register at an astoundingly slow pace. It doesn’t look like Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, PC, or even Xbox One platforms are facing the same technical hiccups, either.

Shortly after the patch went live on Tuesday, Respawn Entertainment claimed it was investigating the bug. However, there’s been no additional comments as of this post on Wednesday at 9:15 A.M. PDT // 12:15 P.M. EDT // 4:15 P.M. GMT. Social media and Reddit are overflowing with posts from players highlighting how nigh-unplayable Apex Legends currently is on Xbox Series X|S. Watch the clip below to get an idea.

This is an example of what gameplay on the Xbox X looks like right now. Literally unplayable. from apexlegends

Twitter, in particular, is full of fans venting their frustrations. Understandably so, since Apex Legends is far too aggravating to play in this current state.

Game is basically unplayable on next gen Xbox series S/X from apexlegends

There’s no doubt that Respawn Entertainment will address all this, but going an entire day without giving Xbox Series X|S users much of a status update is somewhat alarming. Many community members are already upset over an audio glitch that’s not been patched despite widespread reports. Hopefully, things will smooth out soon.

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF.

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