Antonio Brown lashes out against the NFL in Twitter rant, calls Ben Roethlisberger a ‘loser’

Here we go again.

Free agent receiver Antonio Brown appeared in just one game this season before the Patriots released him amid a civil suit alleging sexual assault.

In the months since his release, Brown has sent mixed signals about his desire to return to the NFL. He went from mocking Robert Kraft’s solicitation arrest to apologizing, to criticizing the NFL before later apologizing again.

We’re back, once again, to Brown taking aim at the league and his former Steelers teammate Ben Roethlisberger.

On Wednesday, Brown lashed out against the NFL in a series of tweets. He retweeted several tweets that mentioned Roethlisberger’s past sexual assault allegations. When a fan said that Brown depended on Roethlisberger to make his career, the free agent receiver called Roethlisberger a “loser.”

He tweeted (before deleting) this image, claiming a conspiracy against him carried out by NFL owners and the media.

The rant continued throughout the day:

This all came four days after Brown issued a long apology on Instagram.

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First and foremost, I’d like to apologize to my family, friends and anyone who I offended. I never once meant to make anyone feel like I wasn’t thankful and appreciative of the opportunity that I was afforded to play the game I love. I’ve worked hard over the years to earn a chance to compete in the greatest game on earth. Over the years I was met with challenges and I can honestly say I didn’t handle those challenges in the manner that I should have. Over the past few weeks I’ve had the opportunity to think about everything that’s transpired and I am deeply sorry to all who I’ve offended. While my behavior was inexcusable, sometimes when people are coming at you with false information and allegations, we handle ourselves in ways that we sometimes regret. I do take full responsibility for my actions and I’m working everyday to repair what I broke. I do know that if I’m ever given the opportunity to play the game that I love, I’m going to work extremely hard to show the world how much I appreciate another chance. To the organizations that I offended, I offer my sincere apology to you and my hope is that you forgive me and help me move on from this minor setback. I look forward to competing and helping a team reach their goals.

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