Antonio Brown ‘in contact’ with Panthers great Cam Newton about joining arena league team

Former All-Pro WR Antonio Brown told WNYT’s Roger Wyland that he has been in contact with Panthers great Cam Newton about joining his arena league team in some capacity.

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Carolina Panthers fans used to dream about a Cam Newton-Antonio Brown pairing—back when the former was dominating the league as its Most Valuable Player and the latter was, well, not doing whatever he’s doing now. Nonetheless, that dream may become a reality . . . in a much different arena.

Brown, who’s apparently a modern-day Connie Mack, recently told WNYT NewsChannel 13 sports director Roger Wyland that he plans on playing for the Albany Empire—the National Arena League organization he owns a stake in. The 34-year-old owner/wide receiver also said he has been “in contact” with Newton about joining the team “in some capacity.”

Given that Newton has not been willing to compromise his self-worth for certain NFL jobs, seeing him suit up for an arena league squad seems a bit unlikely. Plus, you can probably trust Brown as far as you can throw him—whether that’s in or out of a pool.

But perhaps Brown came to Newton with an opportunity regarding ownership. Or maybe he wants his old pal to help coach the Empire up.

Who knows?

What we do know, however, is that there are definitely not 32 guys better than Cam in the NAL.

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