Anthony Davis wore more Kobe’s in the bubble than any other player

Los Angeles Lakers star Anthony Davis, who yelled Kobe after a game-winner, had more Kobe’s on his feet than any player in the bubble.

Given all that has happened in 2020 and its reputation as a great performance basketball shoe, it should be no surprise that Kobe Bryant’s signature shoe was the shoe worn the most by NBA players inside the Orlando bubble during the NBA’s 3-month restart to finish the 2019-20 season. And of course, the honor of who wore the most Kobe’s inside the bubble had to belong to a Los Angeles Laker. A Laker that yelled out “Kobe!” after he made his first playoff buzzer-beater.

According to research from ESPN’s Nick DePaula, Lakers center Anthony Davis wore a whopping 18 different pairs of Kobe’s Nike signature shoes during the Lakers run to a 17th NBA Championship.

Kobe’s shoes are still very popular within the league and of course with the Lakers, his memory and legacy were major things that the Lakers leaned on throughout the season as they brought the franchise back to title glory.

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