Andre Iguodala had nothing bad to say about Ja Morant and the young Grizzlies

Andre Iguodala is a fan of the young Grizzlies.

We always love a good beef story, right? That’s why when Dillon Brooks and Ja Morant called Andre Iguodala out for not wanting to play with them because, well, he’s old and unwilling to play for a non-contender, we got excited.

Last week, Brooks and Morant called out Iguodala for sitting the season out until he got traded. Brooks said he wished they’d hurry up and trade him so the Grizzlies could whoop him and Morant retweeted Brooks.

Turns out the beef was over before it even began.

Iguodala had absolutely nothing bad to say about the young Grizzlies when he spoke to the media after joining the Heat. In fact, he praised them!

“I love all those guys, I’ve been watching them play. Dillon has been playing really well this year. And Ja is Rookie of the Year. Been watching him. Phenomenal talent. I think I saw a poll say, ‘Who would you start a team, a franchise with if you had to pick a point guard?’ And I would’ve voted for him as well.”

Well, there you have it folks. Nothing to see here. No beef from Iguodala’s side of things. He’s apparently a fan…although, if he was a real fan, it brings up the question about why he wouldn’t want to play with them?

But whatever! Let bygones be bygones. The two sides have gone their separate ways and will be all the better for it.

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