American soccer fans react to Christian Pulisic beefing it during a TikTok video

The American soccer star fell hard during a TikTok, causing USMNT and Chelsea fans to hold their breath.

Christian Pulisic is, like many of us, on quarantine and looking for a way to fill the hours. As a young person, the Chelsea and USMNT star decided to get on Tik Tok. As someone who’s very good at soccer, he decided to post himself juggling a soccer ball.

And that’s when everything got very scary. At least for U.S. and Chelsea fans.

In the middle of a move, Pulisic caught the ball under his foot and went flying down.

American soccer and Chelsea fans held their breath. Pulisic made a grimace … checked things out … then smiled. Disaster was averted. We live to fight another day.

Pulisic was just about to come back from injury when global soccer shutdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. Fans were … rightfully a bit afraid watching the video.

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