Almost all players and coaches on Zoom …

Almost all players and coaches on Zoom calls with local and national media on Tuesday were wearing masks, strongly suggested if not mandated by the league. Dudley says that players been sticking with that protocol when the cameras are off as well. “Ninety-eight percent of the time, you see people with masks,” Dudley said. “Maybe (not) outside, if they’re walking somewhere or riding a bike or something like that. But for the most part, I want you to imagine you’re in a hotel room, and a convention center’s connected. By the time you leave your hotel room, you’re in the elevator, you go downstairs, your mask (is) on, (when) you get to the meal room, you take your mask off. You wear your mask to practice. You get to the practice, you take it off. It’s really a five-, 10-minute thing, and you can take it off. People are doing that. I would say that people are taking it serious, but to be honest with you, we’re not doing too much. Yes, you might see some pictures of people fishing. When they’re fishing, their masks are usually off. But when they’re around people – especially people who are non-teammates – and you’re walking by, everybody has their masks on.”