All-Time Mountain West Basketball: No. 8 BYU vs. No. 9 New Mexico

All-Time Mountain West Basketball: No. 8 BYU vs. No. 9 New Mexico Bitter rivals go after it in this virtual tournament. Contact/Follow @MWCwire 2009 BYU vs. 2012 New Mexico The final first round series features 2009 BYU and 2012 New Mexico this is a …

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All-Time Mountain West Basketball: No. 8 BYU vs. No. 9 New Mexico

Bitter rivals go after it in this virtual tournament.

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2009 BYU vs. 2012 New Mexico

The final first round series features 2009 BYU and 2012 New Mexico this is a No. 8 vs. No. 9 seed and has the making of a pretty good series. It does go seven games so this is an exciting one to follow.

These teams are both pretty balanced. Tempo will be a factor, as BYU likes to run and New Mexico plays at a more average pace. Can a young Jimmer Fredette lead his team to victory? Or will New Mexico’s ball movement and great defense be too much for BYU?

Keys for New Mexico: Get the ball inside as BYU has good but not great size protecting the rim and Chris mIles is foul prone; Get Jimmer off his spots and make him uncomfortable

Keys for BYU: Share the ball, there’s a lot of offensive talent on this team; clog passing lanes and make New Mexico play out of isolation.

Game 1: Marriott Center, Series tied 0-0

Young Jimmer can’t quite get it going as New Mexico steals home court advantage in game 1.

Game 2: Marriott Center, New Mexico leads series 1-0.

BYU dominated the first half and is able to coast to victory in the second. Will they be able to take a game in the Pit though?

Game 3: The Pit, Series tied 1-1.

New Mexico get hot behind the arc and BYU falls apart in the second half, giving New Mexico the lead in the series.