Allen Robinson wants to know if he can support Lakers and Clippers, but LA fans aren’t having it

Allen Robinson is new to LA, so he wants to know if he can support both the Lakers and Clippers. Fans were pretty adamant that he can’t.

Allen Robinson is learning a lot about Los Angeles, with this being his first time living in the Southern California city. He’s probably realizing just how brutal the traffic can be, and how great the weather is year-round.

But what he hasn’t yet figured out is whether he can root for both the Lakers and the Clippers. He posed that question to his followers on Twitter Monday night, asking if he has to pick one or if he can support both of them.

Robinson is a big NBA fan, regularly tweeting during the playoff games, so you can bet he’ll be at a bunch of Lakers and/or Clippers games next season.

As you probably figured, most of the replies to Robinson’s tweet were telling him he has to pick either the Lakers or Clippers. And unsurprisingly, the majority told him to back the Lakeshow.

Others laughed at the question, wondering why Robinson even asked it.

Here are some of the best responses.