Alan Wake 2 TV studio door codes and how to escape

Our Alan Wake 2 studio door code guide explains how to get each code, how to reach the basement, and how to escape the studio

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Getting out of the Dark Place TV studio and finding the studio door code in Alan Wake 2 feels like a big leap after Saga’s straightforward horror game segments. Alan’s sections swap Saga’s realism and cold logic for dream-like surrealism, and it’s tough to get your bearings after the first big shift. You’ll actually need to play the TV studio part of The Dark Place at least twice and get a unique door code each time that eventually lets you escape again, so if you input the first one and find yourself back in the studio, you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s scripted.

Our Alan Wake 2 studio door code guide explains how to get each code, how to reach the basement, and how to escape the studio.