After sweep of Sixers, Celtics’ Stevens already focused on second round

No time off for Boston Celtics Head Coach Brad Stevens, who is already looking to prep for the team’s next opponent after their sweep of the Sixers.

No rest for the wicked, it seems.

Fresh off of his Boston Celtics’ sweep of the Philadelphia 76ers — a first in the two teams’ long and storied rivalry — you would think Head Coach Brad Stevens might bask in the glow of the hard-fought win for a moment, at least.

Think again.

Before the dust even settled on Boston’s 110 – 106 win, the Celtics coach was already focused on the next series the Celtics will be facing.

Before the victor has even been decided.

“I think one of the jobs of a coach is to be prepared for what’s ahead and so we’ve got an idea [to] get ready,” he explained, his attention keyed into the presumptive second-round opponent to emerge from the Brooklyn Nets – Toronto Raptors series.

Unsurprisingly, Stevens is planning for the defending champions.

“It’s [3 to 0] but [to] get ready for [when] Toronto closes it out tonight, to be ready to play whenever they tell us we’re playing. But at the end of the day, there’s not a lot of savoring when you’re in the middle of it. You end up looking back on things, after seasons are over, careers are over or people move on or whatever, that’s when you enjoy it.”

For the former Butler coach, there will be time enough later to reflect on what the team has done, when there is no next opponent.

Until then, other things are on his mind; the Nets, a very little bit, and the Raptors, quite a bit more.

And true to form, tightening up the play of the Celtics.

“But, we have to play better in the last three minutes of the game,” Stevens explained, “that’s all I care about right now.”

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