AFC Week 3 Roundup: Refs help Ravens, 2 undefeated teams left

(A little late this week) The Browns are 2 – 1 after Week 3, what does the rest of the AFC look like? Refs helped an AFC North rival while the rest of the AFC continues to be interesting week in and week out:

With the Cleveland Browns having big goals for the 2021 season, everything around the AFC matters to the team. Obviously, the team has to take care of winning football games themselves before conversations about the AFC North and AFC overall titles really begin to take hold.

That doesn’t mean we can’t keep track of the conference week to week to get a feel for what the competition for the playoffs and, perhaps, in the playoffs might look like. Much like years gone by, when tracking who was competing for high draft picks was an art form often reviewed in written form, Cleveland is interested in the rest of the conference.

This time it is more about the top of the conference than the bottom.

The Browns did their part by defeating the Chicago Bears in Week 3 but how did the rest of the AFC competition stack up?