AEW WrestleDream results: Swerve Strickland thrills Seattle with victory over Hangman Adam Page

See how hometown hero Swerve Strickland overcame former AEW World Champion Hangman Adam Page at AEW WrestleDream in Seattle.

Hangman Adam Page hits the ring alone, while Swerve Strickland is accompanied by the Mogul Embassy. Swerve plays to his hometown fans, asking whose house it is several times before the ref calls for the opening bell.

Strickland looks like he mouths “I told you” to Hangman before they lock up for the first time. He hits a shoulder tackle to big applause but eats a big boot coming back.

Page lays in some chops in the corner but Strickland is able to retaliate and gets the match’s first near fall. He delivers elbows in the corner and a jumping kick from the turnbuckles before hitting the griddy.

Hangman escapes a neckbreaker and a suplex to hit a fallaway slam, and both men take a beat to compose themselves. Page plays to the crowd, which is lustily booing him. Swerve avoids some trouble on the outside but gets powerbombed onto the apron and barricade. A sitout bomb in the ring earns him a near fall, and he hits a tope suicida to boot.

Some Page chants break through the noise as he keeps the pace slow. A lariat from the top turnbuckle is on target for another two.

A flurry from Swerve ends with a brainbuster that earns him a near fall. He flexes the hand Page stabbed this past week and comes in with a chop and a nasty backbreaker. Hangman goes after the hand and joins Strickland up top, where Swerve batters him away and gives him a double stomp to the shoulders.

Strickland rocks Page with a House Call, covering for another near fall. They battle on the apron, where Page is catapulted forward into the buckles. The fight goes on top of the steel steps, where Page delivers the DeadEye.

Strickland stops Page from attempting the Buckshot, then counters with a drop toehold when the cowboy powers him away for a legit attempt. Swerve grabs Page’s arm and hits the House Call on that, and Doc Sampson arrives to examine him. Strickland cares not, hitting the Swerve Stomp on the apron.

Swerve hits a 450 Splash right on Page’s arm, and when that only gets two, he shifts to a cross armbreaker attempt. Hangman slithers over and gets his foot to the ropes to force a break.

Page manages to get the next near fall, then uses a huge lariat to try for the DeadEye. Swerve counters and looks for a triangle submission. Page hammers Strickland’s hand again to escape.

After a German suplex, Strickland climbs again but misses the Swerve Stomp and gets run over by a Buckshot. Alas, Page hurts him arm even more in the process and is slow to cover. Prince Nana puts Swerve’s foot on the bottom rope and gets ejected from ringside for his troubles.

With the ref arguing with Nana, Swerve gets in a shot from Nana’s crown and covers but only gets two. Strickland hits the House Call twice, then the JML Driver to win it.

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