AEW WrestleDream results: Bryan Danielson wins dream match with Zack Sabre Jr.

Who is the best technical wrestler in the world? See how Bryan Danielson staked his claim against Zack Sabre Jr. at AEW WrestleDream.

Jon Moxley and Jim Ross remain at the announce table to help with commentary on this one. Bryan Danielson has Seattle Seahawks colors on his ring gear, which is a nice touch.

There’s plenty of feinting and working for position early on, with Danielson smiling when he gets any small edge. He holds up two fingers, suggesting that he’s done it twice to open the match.

Zack Sabre Jr. takes an Irish whip but grabs an Octopus hold, though Danielson wrestles his way to the mat. Both men work a series of holds until ZSJ makes it to full mount, and they work their way back into a stalemate.

Sabre trips Danielson to the canvas, transitioning to an inverted surfboard. Danielson manages to reverse it only to see ZSJ try for a bow and arrow; he also quickly slips away when the American Dragon tries for a pin.

Danielson eats an uppercut and decides to fire some back. They are content to stand and trade, which seems to hurt Bryan’s right arm … and ZSJ stomps on it as he smells blood. Sabre continues to literally twist that arm, taking a moment to admire his handiwork before going for some joint manipulation.

Another uppercut smacks Danielson before he flips back out of the corner and stomps his foe’s knees. Bryan’s trademark leg kicks land, and he follow with several dragon screws. He goes to the well one too many times and gets his neck twisted, but he quickly fires back.

They head to the corner, where ZSJ ends up in the tree of woe eating stiff kicks. On the top rope, Danielson rains down elbows but ends up getting his right arm trapped again. The American Dragon prevails up high for a butterfly superplex, then looks for the LeBell Lock.

He can’t grab it so switches to a single crab, forcing ZSJ to reach the ropes for a break. The Yes Kicks are able to land, firing up the crowd. With wrist control, Danielson delivers a series of stomps to the face. He wants the Busaku Knee but sees it countered, setting off a wild series of pinfall attempts and a near fall for Sabre that brings Mox to his feet.

Another ridiculous series of counters sees ZSJ crank on Danielson’s right arm again. They exchange words as they have their legs entwined, then exchange slaps with Danielson getting the best of it.

He wins an exchange of kicks too, but Sabre uppercuts his right arm. They trade elbows while back to back, and ZSJ locks in a submission. Sabre focuses on the arm, but Danielson makes it to the ropes again.

Sabre has fun kicking Danielson until he gets popped with some coming back. That only lasts until ZSJ can grab the right arm again, but Danielson hits a shoulder capture suplex and the Busaiku Knee for a near fall.

Another Busaiku Knee finds the mark, and that finally wins the bout, leaving Mox to exclaim “holy s–t.” Danielson offers a handshake, but Sabre refuses it and walks out.

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