Adam Silver floats prospect of charity game as we wait for the NBA

NBA commissioner Adam Silver reportedly broached the idea of a charity game as a way to ease back into the regular season today.

Could the next NBA game we see be for charity?

It’s an excellent idea to test the logistical waters required to be navigated in any potential return to league action after the March 11th suspension of NBA activities due to the coronavirus pandemic.

With estimates of large-scale gatherings being off the table until mid-May based on recent Centers for Disease Control recommendations, hosting an exhibition game with a limited number of players playing for a cause related to the pandemic in some way could be an excellent dry run for re-starting the NBA.

Such a move was suggested by NBA commissioner Adam Silver on ESPN Wednesday, and could be the first step back onto the parquet for players around the league.

Who would participate, whether any Boston Celtics would be included, where it would be held, and all the other pertinent details remain to be revealed in detail, but the Celtics Wire will relate any news on the concept as soon as it becomes available.

We miss basketball, too.

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