ACC updates status of football in 2020

Will the ACC follow suit with the Big Ten and only play conference football games in 2020? Find out the latest right here.

The Big Ten announced Thursday that they’ll only be playing football against each other during the 2020 college football season.

Many speculated and reported that other conferences would quickly follow suit.  Now this isn’t to say that won’t happen, plenty still expect the same 24 hours later but none have officially announced the decision yet.

The ACC was believed to be one of those conferences but Commissioner John Swofford said Friday that any announcement in regards to the 2020 football season won’t be coming until late in July.

Read the full statement below.

If you’ve followed this site for any matter of time you’re aware that I’m not optimistic about our chances of getting football in 2020, as much as I want to be wrong.

However, I do feel like the Big Ten perhaps jumped the gun a bit in regards to calling off out of conference games this fall.  You can have those conversations with other commissioners and athletic directors but is it necessary to make a final decision already?

We’re still almost two full months until college football is supposed to kickoff.  Again, I’m not saying the Big Ten won’t ultimately be seen as right, but why the rush to be first as it clearly ticked off others.

For my money I’m not very hopeful that the ACC or any other conference for that matter will have a different fate, but again, just why the rush to be first on the Big Ten’s part?

I’m not betting the ACC waiting results in a different decision but why not at least give it a shot?