ACA 126 fighter’s stiff body held up by cage after vicious knockout

Whoa, what a stunning visual.

[autotag]Antonio Marcos[/autotag] was crashing straight to the canvas if not for some chain-linked fence.

Marcos faced [autotag]Husein Kushagov[/autotag] in a middleweight bout Friday at ACA 126 in Sochi, Russia, and things did not go his way, ending in brutal fashion. Late in the second round, Kushagov closed the distance with a left to the body and followed up with a right hook that landed flush on Marcos’ chin. The punch instantly stiffened Marcos’ body as he fell backwards only to be held upright by the cage for an insane visual.

Look at this violence (via Twitter):

Kushagov (15-6) now has won back-to-back fights and four of his last five. The other three were by decisions, making this the most spectacular of his recent run.

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