Abel Sanchez: Gennadiy Golovkin would beat Canelo Alvarez in third fight

Trainer Abel Sanchez believes Gennadiy Golovkin, his former protege, would defeat Canelo Alvarez in a third fight.

Most observers seem to believe that Canelo Alvarez would win a third fight with Gennadiy Golovkin fairly easily.

After all, Alvarez is 29 and his prime. Golovkin recently turned 38 and is coming off a victory over Sergey Derevyanchenko that was much closer – and taxing – than virtually everyone expected.

One man sees things differently: Abel Sanchez, Golvokin’s former trainer.

Sanchez was asked for a K.O. Artists Sports video how he thinks a third Alvarez-Golovkin fight would play out. The two fought to a controversial draw the first time and Alvarez won a close decision in the rematch.

“He beat him twice already,” said Sanchez, who was in Triple-G’s corner in both fights. “In my opinion, he beat him twice already. So there’s no reason he can’t beat him a third time.”

Sanchez added one caveat: If possible, don’t stage the fight in Las Vegas. That’s where the first two took place.

“Hopefully, if he has anything to say about it, I would hope he doesn’t fight … in Vegas unless it’s just so lucrative for him that he can’t turn it down,” Sanchez said. “It seems Canelo has the advantage there. So I would hope that if they do fight, they would fight somewhere else and he beats him.

“I think [Golovkin] beats him again, just like the first two.”

Alvarez and Golovkin, who is now trained by Johnathon Banks, tentatively agreed to meet in September before the coronavirus pandemic took hold. It’s not clear when the fight would take place.