Aaron Rodgers continues to be so right about anthem protests

Aaron Rodgers gets it. Drew Brees does not.

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Wednesday was not a great day at all for Drew Brees, as the Saints QB showed his you-know-what to the world when he was asked about what he thought of players kneeling during the playing of the anthem.

What was his takeaway? That he “will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country.”

Brees upset his favorite wide receiver with his comments and had another great teammate tell him that “sometimes you need to shut the (expletive) up.” Numerous NFL players crushed him for it on Twitter and Lakers star LeBron James also tweeted his disgust in Brees’ stance on the anthem.

A few hours later another future hall of fame QB came in and delivered a message that hopefully Brees heard and will take to heart and will help him change the way he looks at things, because what Aaron Rodgers said was absolutely correct.

The Packers QB posted a photo from a peaceful sideline protest that he took part in with teammates back in 2017 and shared this message:

“A few years ago we were criticized for locking arms in solidarity before the game. It has NEVER been about an anthem or a flag. Not then. Not now. Listen with an open heart, let’s educate ourselves, and then turn word and thought into action.”

Rodgers has been supportive of the peaceful sideline protests since they first started with Colin Kaepernick in 2016 and we learned Wednesday that his stance has not changed at all.

With everything going on in our country in the past week and the hope for the positive change that can come from the protests of yet another horrific moment with the death of George Floyd, we need more people like Rodgers and his way of thinking and less people like Brees and his incredibly ignorant way of thinking.

Rodgers is right – the peaceful national anthem protests have nothing to do with the flag or the song or disrespecting any member of the military and the sacrifices that have been made by those heroes. We all love and respect our men and women of the military.

The peaceful protests are about drawing attention to police brutality and racial injustice and trying to bring an end to things that continue to cost people their lives.

The peaceful anthem protests are what make America great – we are able to protest against serious social injustices that happen far too often and in doing so we’re able to push for the change that needs to come.

Taking a knee during the anthem wasn’t disrespectful when it began and it sure as hell isn’t disrespectful now. That may be scary for the NFL to hear, though, because the league buckled to some ridiculous pressures from president Trump and banned kneeling during the anthem because the NFL loves money and hates the thought of losing money.

Brees apparently has a lot to learn… and also a lot of friendships to try to repair (good luck with that). He should hit up Rodgers for some advice and wisdom, because the Packers QB has been right about this the whole damn time.

Quick hits: Subban’s $50K donation… NBA’s wild return… Cousins’ tweet leads to announcer’s retirement.

– NHL star P.K. Subban donated $50,000 to a GoFundMe for George Floyd’s daughter and the NHL matched it, which is pretty great.

– It looks like the NBA is going to come back on July 31, so here are four things to look forward to about the reported plan.

– Here’s how a simple DeMarcus Cousins tweet led to a Kings announcer being pushed to resign.

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