A reported secret beef between James Harden and Kevin Durant may have led to the Nets trading for Ben Simmons

It looks like things were such a big mess in Brooklyn.

We’re nearly a week removed from the NBA’s trade deadline last week and it is still pretty unbelievable that what happened actually happened.

The Ben Simmons trade we were all waiting on the 76ers for finally happened. But no one expected the player on the other end to be James Harden.

James freaking Harden is a Philadelphia 76er. Ben Simmons is a Brooklyn Net. And just about everyone in the basketball world is sort of confused by all of this.

The Nets were just leading the Eastern Conference last month. The question everyone wants to be answered is simply how did this happen? How did things deteriorate so quickly in Brooklyn that they led to a trade of one of the key cogs of the Scary Hours big 3?

Well, according to Jake Fischer of Bleacher Report, things had been shaping up this way for a few weeks.

The Nets had apparently grown weary of Harden’s effort level and his conditioning while, on his end, Harden was frustrated with Kyrie Irving’s absence because of his refusal to be vaccinated as well as the team’s free-flowing play style. He reportedly wanted to get back to the iso-ball he was so good at in Houston.

It reportedly got to the point where things were so bad that Harden would “roll his eyes” when coaches called after-time-out plays for Durant.

Tensions continued to boil up until Durant reportedly had enough and told GM Sean Marks and the Nets front office to get the trade done.

“Kevin was like: ‘F–k it. James isn’t bringing s–t,” another figure with knowledge of Brooklyn added. “I don’t think that would have happened without Kevin making that decision.”

It’s truly a shame things had to end this way between Harden and the Nets. No matter what sort of tension there was off the court between the Irving, Harden and Durant, the on-court results were there when they played. They went 13-3 through 16 games with one of the most explosive offenses we’ve ever seen.

Regardless, it’s done now. This is all in the past and all parties have moved on. Hopefully, now, everyone can be happy.