A pitcher in the Japanese league threw the most beautiful eephus pitch for a called strike

Baseball fans rightfully loved this eephus pitch.

There are lots of professional pitchers in baseball leagues all over the world who can throw complete and utter gas. Triple digits on radar guns are now longer a rarity. Far from it.

And while those ridiculously unhittable fastballs are all fun and good, nothing to me beats a good eephus pitch – you know, when someone throws a pitch high into the air at a very low speed and just hopes for the best.

Well, I think I have just seen the most beautiful eephus pitch of my life and I need to share it with you. Look at what Hiromi Itoh of the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters in the Japanese league threw for a called strike in their All-Star Game:


Itoh’s celebration was so good, too:

Twitter loved it.