A mic’d-up Francisco Lindor forgot what day it was in an extremely relatable exchange with umps

Been there.

For the past year — especially in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic — time had seemingly made no sense. Days felt long while some months flew by. It was weird to follow.

And, of course, it was so easy to lose track of what day it was in the week.

With that in mind, we can thank Francisco Lindor for this delightfully relatable exchange he had with umpires during last Wednesday’s 7-6 win against the Arizona Diamondbacks.

Lindor greeted the umpires and said, “Happy Sunday.” The problem: It wasn’t Sunday at all. It just happened to be a Wednesday that felt like a Sunday. We all know how that feels.

You know it’s really going to be a long week when a Wednesday feels like a Sunday. It definitely sounded familiar:


But this brings up a bigger point: MLB really needs to mic-up more players. It’s always great to give fans insight into the game’s best personalities. There needs to be more of that.
