A group of Eagles fans did their part by refusing to pull up a massive Buccaneers flag

Good for them! They owe Buccaneers fans nothing!

There are principles we all have to uphold as sports fans attending games. For example, you simply have to buy that $25 beer and stale pretzel combo — you’re hungry, and it’s part of the experience and ambiance. The same sentiment holds true for refusing to participate in a home stadium’s specific customs.

Take these brave Philadelphia Eagles fans Monday night.

They weren’t causing any trouble. They were just there to watch their team wallop the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. So, you have to admit, it’s a little silly to them to help up a massive Buccaneers flag at the stadium. They are under no obligation to help show support for Tampa Bay. Quite frankly, based on the rules I just made up, they did the right thing.

I would’ve done the same.

I don’t think this should be framed as an outlandish stunt at all. I’m at a road game for my favorite team to watch them play well and hopefully win. Anyone in their right mind would’ve refused to pull up that flag. Next time, those Buccaneers fans should perhaps ensure there isn’t a sizable continent of Eagles fans sitting where the corner of the flag was.

Because really, It’s not their problem.