A frightened Tom Brady rode Disney World’s Tower of Terror looking like a dang LaCoste model

He screams on scary rides just like us! Albeit while looking like a page from the Abercrombie & Fitch catalog.

Tom Brady is living the good life in retirement.

That’s a sentence that probably doesn’t need much evidence to be written. After all, he capped off arguably the greatest NFL career of all time in 2023. He’s got seven Super Bowl rings and made more than $332 million in contract value alone in a 23-year career. Now he’s got the opportunity to spend a full summer with his family (sure, throw a “or what remains of it” joke here if you’re dead inside) without having to worry about training camp or playbooks or keeping his vertebrae intact.

So naturally, he’s spending it at Disney World. And in his effort to show the world he’s just a normal guy who screams on scary rides, he managed to look like he fell out of a catalog for collared shirts with little alligator logos on them.


Still, fair play to his daughter. The last time many of us saw her she was absolutely losing her mind at the confetti and streamers littering the field after Brady’s New England Patriots won the Super Bowl four years ago. Now she’s thoroughly non-plussed about dropping 130 feet in the dark.

Brady put together even more family pictures from the Happiest Place on Earth on his Instagram. It’s more or less exactly what you’d expect from a single dad’s day out. Except for the picture with all the goats. That one might be code for something.
