Scotty Cameron drops H24 Limited Phantom 9.2 putter

Scotty Cameron’s latest limited-edition putter was inspired by American muscle cars.

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Some guys are into stylish watches and timepieces, while others are into wine, clothes, cycling or fishing. Scotty Cameron has been a car guy, especially American muscle cars. Over the years, names like Fastback (which is a name given to slant-back Mustangs) have been used for putters, and automobile-inspired visuals have been added to putters, as well.

Now comes the H24 Limited Phantom 9.2, a limited-edition mallet putter that will be offered for $900 at select Titleist-authorized shops on Dec. 13.

The H24 Limited Phantom 9.2 comes standard at 34.5 inches in length and with 3.5 degrees of loft and a 70-degree lie angle. The Phantom 9 head has been given a a plumber’s neck hosel that creates one shaft’s-width of offset.

The head itself is milled from 303 stainless steel, but a larger portion of the bottom has been milled out and then covered by a 6061 aircraft-grade aluminum sole plate.

Scotty Cameron H24 Limited Phantom 9.2 putter
The long orange line makes it easier to aim and alignment putts. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

What makes the H24 Limited Phantom 9.2 special are the tour-black finish and the little details that Cameron has added. On the dual-milled face, golfers will see racing stripes running across the Scotty Cameron logo, complementing the race-car inspired, triple-milled orange and gray sight lines on the crown. The 15-gram weights in the heel and toe have even been given laser-etched checkerboards that echo the flag waved as the winning car crosses the finish line. The whole package creates a look that Steve McQueen would have loved and that gearheads will gush for.

Below are some close-up looks at the H24 Limited Phantom 9.2 putter