5 Most Popular College Essay Types for Admission and How to Write Them

Popular college essays are an essential part of the college admission application process. Different types of college essays enable students to underpin that unique experience, individuality, and creativity. Such papers make applicants more …

Popular college essays are an essential part of the college admission application process. Different types of college essays enable students to underpin that unique experience, individuality, and creativity. Such papers make applicants more comprehensive in exhibiting who they are and what they value beyond just test results and academic records.

College essays often relate common themes to the readers. They involve aspirations, resilience, and self-growth. This type of personal relationship can, therefore, influence the process immensely and make students more interesting applicants in an increasingly competitive field.

Well, we have written this article to discuss 5 different types of college essays with innovative techniques for writing an ideal document that stands out.

What are the Different Types of College Essays and How to Write Them?

CollegeVine describes different types of college essays with formatting guidelines. Creating a robust paper that meets the needs of admissions committees requires an understanding of the specific needs of each class. These writings might be challenging, leading students to outsource college papers to trustworthy London-based admission essay writing services for consistent and well-written documents.

Now, look at the different types of college essays and try to understand how to write them. 

1. Personal Statement

One of the most important types of college essays is a personal statement. It is considered one of the personal essays that enables students to pronounce themselves about their unique abilities, experiences, and points of view. In such papers, it can often happen that students are asked to reflect upon their experiences in life and the obstacles they have faced.

In addition, the personal essay helps the admissions committees evaluate your potential and learn more about you instead of just grades and test scores. Such papers also explain how students personally grew to understand their values, motives, and character.

The personal statement genre includes several themes.

Overcoming Obstacles

In these, students analyse their experiences and how they shape resilience, problem-solving abilities, and new perspectives. 

Identity and Self-Revelation

This type of college essay explores how your cultural, societal or personal identity has shaped your viewpoint. This study explores how identity influences academic paths, considering factors like colour, gender and family history. 

Passion for a Profession or Subject

Students express their passion in extracurricular or academic pursuits, which has motivated them to pursue these activities. This is a chance to articulate commitment and how an interest reflects a long-term objective.

How to Write a Personal Statement?

It’s an opportunity to showcase your personality beyond a good academic record and other test scores in your personal statement essay. 

Here are a few tips that will help you to craft a compelling paper. 

  • Recognise the Goal
  •  List all of your ideas
  •  Select a focus
  • Make a plan
  • Be real and sincere
  •  Show, don’t tell
  •  Consider your development
  •  Tailor It to the college
  •  Edit and make revisions
  •  Get feedback

Have a look at an example of a personal statement from College Essay Guy;

2. Supplemental Essay

Supplemental essays are brief types of college essays that many colleges and universities require as part of their application process. Such essays allow admissions officers to better understand applicants beyond their academic results. They also present the chance for students to show how their values and culture are connected with their interests, values, and grounds for attending.

Rather, supplemental essays vary depending on the prompts given for paper requirements. Sometimes, they might be asking you why you want to pursue your college education further at their college, showing your academic history at the same time. Occasionally, it may become more personal, asking you to reflect on certain obstacles or events that have shaped your personality.

You can use these essays to convey parts of yourself that wouldn’t have been depicted in your main personal statement. These papers are important in the college application process as they are tailored to each school, requiring meticulous planning and research to ensure authenticity and uniqueness.

Best Tips to Write Supplemental Essays 

If you follow the following advice, you’ll probably write an outstanding and thoughtful supplemental essay that catches the attention of admissions committees.

  • Understand the prompt carefully.
  • Explore the college
  • Be authentic and unique
  • Be specific and confident
  • Show your fit
  • Revise and edit

3. Diversity Essay

A diversity essay is one of the types of college essays that invites applicants to explain how their identity, background, or perspective will enhance the diversity of the school community. University officers want to find a diverse range of applicants because it improves the social and intellectual environment. 

Furthermore, students should mention unique aspects of their identity in this essay and talk about how those experiences will make campus life more vibrant. Such essays aim to provide an admissions committee with an understanding of one’s cultural heritage, challenges, and active participation in diversity. So, by incorporating personal experiences into your application, you demonstrate a thoughtful and engaged applicant to the college.

However, the difficulty in being authentic and personal in your college essay may negatively impact your relationship with admissions officers. So, if you buy admission essays online, it provides a customised, professional way to create an interesting, unique essay for your application.

Key Points to Be Considered

The following is advice to keep in mind while drafting a diversity essay:

  • Reflect on your own experiences or background
  • Evidence of cultural sensitivity
  • Personal development connection
  • Discuss in what ways you will contribute to campus diversity.
  • Be yourself 

Best Practises for Writing Diversity Essays

A diversity essay is required to demonstrate how your unique identities and experiences have shaped your perspective and enabled you to contribute to the campus environment.

  • Reflect on your identity.
  • Highlight unique perspectives
  • Show your growth
  • Connect to the college’s principles
  • Be authentic and humble
  • Edit and request feedback

4. Creative or Short Answer Essay

The Creative essay is one of the types of college essay that offers applicants a unique opportunity to express themselves creatively and deviate from the conventional college essay format. These essays usually present open-ended questions that intend to show off the applicant’s sense of humour and thought process. 

As compared to long personal statements, short answer essays usually demand concise solutions and are usually less than a 300-word count. For example, “If you could invent a new holiday, what would it be and why?” or “What is something you think everyone should know?” 

Moreover, the admissions officers understand how students think beyond the conventional academic setting while answering these questions. Such papers offer them a platform to propose innovative thoughts or present a lighter side of themselves. However, the student is encouraged to be creative to ensure uniformity. Therefore, this type of essay is for students who enjoy creative writing.

The Art of Writing Creative Essays

The following suggestions may make your creative essay stand out in the crowd, and chances are you will stay in the reader’s mind for long. In ideas and honesty, creativity works in tandem when exposing a personal story.

  • Hook up with a strong statement.
  • Be creative and bold.
  • Bring your voice and personality original.
  • Use metaphors 
  • Keep your focus clear
  • End with impact
  • Edit ruthlessly to ensure flow and clarity

5. Extracurricular Activity Essay

One of the most typical types of college essays is the extracurricular activity essay, where applicants exhibit their extracurricular activities. Colleges want to find evidence about extracurricular experiences that would depict leadership, passion, and initiative outside the class. This essay provides an opportunity to reflect on your achievements, potential, and personal growth resulting from a specific extracurricular activity.

What is the Extracurricular Activity Essay?

  • Typically, you are going to be asked to focus on just one extracurricular activity for this paper.
  • It reveals your skills, commitment, growth, and passion.
  • The purpose is to show how this activity has impacted your personal life and helped you accomplish your future goals.

Importance of Extracurricular Activities Essay

Reveals Personality Beyond Academics

It shows admission officers areas in which you are interested and how you interact with the world beyond the classroom.

Shows Commitment and Time Management

It gives a better impression of your personality because it shows the balance between extracurricular activities and academics.

Gives the Reader a Sense of Your Values

It lets them know what is most important to you and how you spend your time on passions that fulfil you personally.

Some Points to Remember When Writing the Extracurricular Activities Essay

Write an essay that will stand out to admissions committees when you choose an activity that speaks to you, demonstrates involvement, and shows growth related to your future goals.

  • Choose a meaningful activity.
  • Show me your impact and role
  • Discuss your personal growth
  • Demonstrate how it links to your future goals
  • Use specific examples
  • Consider the bigger impact
  • Show enthusiasm and passion
  • Keep it brief 


Writing and understanding different types of college essays requires much work from a student. Sometimes, it takes days, weeks and months. That is the reason many students contact expert collage admission essay writers who give them a clear road map to success in their academic ventures in no time. 

Moreover, a well-structured essay significantly influences a student’s chances of gaining admission to their desired college, so it’s important to learn and apply it creatively. Therefore, we have discussed different types of college essays and their importance. We also added some writing advice. Hopefully, after reading this guidance, you will be in a better position to complete your projects on time.