Attitudes, lack of effort likely highlight Cowboys systemic issues that rain from top down

The Cowboys issues the past few games may go beyond just X’s and O’s, says @ReidDHanson

Following Dallas’ loss to the Ravens in Week 3, the Cowboys are at an extreme low point in their storied history. Three of their last four games played (dating back to last postseason) have qualified as nothing short of embarrassing. Their 1-2 record has them tied for last in the NFC East and key areas of their performance are even falling into the history books (in a bad way).

According to ESPN Research, the 557 yards Dallas has allowed on the ground this season are the most allowed since 1963. During the same stretch their defense has set a record in rushing touchdowns allowed while allowing the highest yards per carry against since the 1970s.

With the Cowboys run defense playing this poorly the problems extend beyond scheme or select members of personnel. To fall this flat takes a group effort and probably something deeper rooted.

Scanning the sideline mid-game, it was impossible not to notice visibly deflated body language and the many forlorn faces amongst the team. The impressions given on the sideline bled into the game with Cowboys players appearing dejected and even exhibiting suspect effort in plays in which they were actively involved.

Calling into question someone’s effort is dangerous business in sports. To say someone isn’t trying or has given up is one of the most damning things you can say about a competitor. With that said, it’s hard to argue the issue doesn’t exist in the Dallas these days.

The Cowboys had a handful of landslide losses in 2023 where players appeared to be done playing by halftime. The scheme change this offseason didn’t change that nor did the move from Dan Quinn to Mike Zimmer. The Cowboys even churned the bottom of the roster, rolling out new players and new roles in their defensive front-seven. It offered up the same optics as before with the same poor results as before.

To say the issue is systemic is to say the issue is engrained in the culture of the team. Several members of the offense even seemed to fall victim to it this time around.

Only after a handful of role players like Brandan Aubrey, Hunter Luepke, KaVonate Turpin and Jalen Tobert stepped up and got the Cowboys back in the game did some of the attitudes and effort appear to return, but even then, effort and attitude looked suspect.

Play calling and schemes certainly bear massive responsibility in the loss and those suspect gameplans very likely contributed to players’ attitudes in the huddle and on the sideline, but that doesn’t excuse questionable effort.

There might be a culture issue in Dallas and that’s far more damaging than just losing two games in a row and an even harder issue to fix. The Cowboys have issues in scheme and in personnel but it’s time effort and attitude also get called into question.

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