Mike Tomlin and his Tomlinisms answer reporters’ questions on “petty” gameballs

Mike Tomlin compares not knowing how hot dogs are made to not telling the media some behind-the-scenes decisions, like a petty gameball.

Mike Tomlin, while polarizing for his coach tendencies on game day, is a head coach that many will summarize as a great leader.  Some of his leadership qualities, such as dedication to his team’s secrecy over media needs, came to light on Tuesday.

After the game, Justin Fields stated that the Steelers gave out an extra game ball, a “petty” game ball, to Russell Wilson for beating his former team, the Denver Broncos.  Reporters were, of course, curious about this idea of a petty game ball, and asked Tomlin on Tuesday if this was something he had done often.  His response, his Tomlinism, was hilarious:

To keep it short and sweet, Tomlin doesn’t care if the reporters know about the idea of petty game balls, but it is a subject that he feels the media doesn’t need to know about. This week the Steelers have their home opener against the Los Angeles Chargers.

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