Browns add a statement on newest Deshaun Watson lawsuit

The Browns have released a statement on the new lawsuit against Deshaun Watson

Cleveland Browns quarterback Deshaun Watson is back in the news for a new sexual assault lawsuit that was filed against him.

He is now under NFL review to see if this qualifies under the Personal Conduct Policy, and now, the Browns have released a statement on the NFL review and the allegation against Watson.

From the Browns’ spokesperson, here is what the team had to say on the newest allegation and the NFL’s current review of the case:

“We will respect the due process our legal system affords regarding the recently filed civil suit and follow the NFL’s guidelines on this matter.”

For now, it looks like the Browns, like all of us, are in wait-and-see mode as the NFL continues to review the case. If Watson is suspended by the NFL, the Browns will have the ability to terminate the rest of his contract and void out the last two years of the deal.