NFL now reviewing latest lawsuit against Deshaun Watson under the Personal Conduct Policy

The NFL is reviewing the matter.

The Cleveland Browns have another Public Relations disaster on their hands with quarterback Deshaun Watson.

A new lawsuit has been filed against the starting quarterback, stemming back from a date he went on in 2020 as a member of the Houston Texans. This allegation involves sexual assault and a violent outburst at the hands of the Browns’ quarterback.

And while the NFL had settled all of Watson’s previous cases in his 11-game suspension in 2022, they have opened a new review of this latest case. This would seem to indicate that the NFL does not view this newest lawsuit in the same light as the previous ones.

They will not, however, put Watson on the Commissioner’s Exempt List, where rookie defensive tackle Mike Hall Jr. currently sits, as there have been no formal charges filed against the quarterback. So for now, the Browns wait for the NFL to hand down some sort of final conclusion involving this latest lawsuit.