Washington Commanders suspend VP for derogatory comments

A Washingto Commanders VP has been suspended for derogatory comments made to an undercover reporter

Washington  Commanders vice president of content Rael Enteen was suspended by the team on Tuesday. The action took place after Enteen’s comments to a “date” — working undercover for the O’Keefe Media Group — blasted NFL players as homophobic, and said the league’s social justice initiatives are insincere.

“The language used in the video runs counter to our values at the Commanders organization,” a team spokesperson said in a statement. “We have suspended the employee pending an investigation and will reserve further comment at this time.”

Per ESPN.com:

He told the undercover reporter that, “over 50% of our roster is white religious, and God says, ‘F— the gays.’ Their interpretation. I don’t buy any of that. Another big chunk is low-income African Americans that comes from a community that is inherently very homophobic.”

On the video, Enteen also said some players are “dumb as hell” and said some who were smart don’t stay that way after getting hit in the head too many times. He also said those who “get their heads knocked around a few times” are more susceptible to conspiracy theories.

Enteen also said, “I don’t think the commissioner of the NFL hates gay people, hates black people. Jerry Jones, who really runs the NFL, I think he hates gay people, black people.”